About the Speaker

Dr. Yu-Chih Chen
Dr. Yu-Chih Chen’s research focuses on social determinants of healthy aging, with an emphasis on how economic, environmental, and social/productive behavioral factors shape well-being and health in later life. Multiple internal- (e.g., The University of Hong Kong [HKU] and the University Grants Committee [Hong Kong]) and external-grant institutions (e.g., CCKF [Taiwan] and Social Policy Institute [US]) have funded his research in the areas that examine the links between later-life health and factors of economic (e.g., wealth and financial capability), environment (e.g., physical and social environment), and productive engagement (e.g., working and employment). His work has been published in the leading journals in aging, including The Gerontologist, Aging & Mental Health, and Research on Aging. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the HKU. Before joining HKU, he earned his PhD in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis and Bachelor and Master in Social Work from National Taiwan University.